
Hello and Welcome to Cosmospace Technologies!
Since this is our first blog post, let us give you some information about our team, what we are doing and what we are planning to do to make the crypto space better.

Cosmospace Technologies was founded in June 2022 by MMX and MNT, two crypto enthusiasts. Both MMX and MNT are mathematicians and advisors in various technologies. They both are early-stage investors, investing in projects at some VCs and launchpads. So, they are very well experienced in the early-stage crypto space. They are not the only two people on the team. We have people from different countries and their deep understanding of both eastern and western markets puts us in a unique place to work with projects.

We decided to launch Cosmospace Technologies where we’re committed to creating an ecosystem for investors and early-stage projects. Currently, we are working on building our platforms and some of our services are available now. We are also teaming up with the best and brightest minds in the crypto space to develop our ecosystem that leads to successful investments for our members and projects. We started announcing our partnerships on Twitter and more will be announced very very soon.

We believe that Cryptocurrency has the opportunity to transform our lives and change the future. We also believe that Crypto projects and platforms are changing for the better. That’s the reason why we are announcing our launch. We want to make the early-stage crypto space better by providing our professional services.

Cosmospace Ventures

The first service we are launching at Cosmospace Technologies is Cosmospace Ventures. We want to offer top-tier projects to average crypto investors. Average investors usually have no access to early-stage top-tier projects. The projects accept funds from a few individuals and private funding companies. As a community venture, we decided to stop this and offer good quality early-stage projects to average investors who have small bags. We’ll be providing funds to top-tier early-stage projects that have the ideas that can move the crypto space forward in a meaningful way. So, we are not focusing on the number of projects we bring, here at Cosmospace, quality is important. To invest in, or apply for fundraising please go to: https://ventures.cosmospace.tech/

Our venture capital is charging lower fees than the majority of the ventures on the market right now. We also offer a unique reward system that you will never see in any venture capital. Follow our posts to learn more about that.

Cosmospace Blog

We will be sharing our updates on Cosmospace Technologies here at https://blog.cosmospace.tech/
Our articles will be very important to understand what we are doing, and how we design our ecosystem.

Cosmosapce Advisory (Soon)

We will be advising early-stage projects to become successful, and we will help them stand apart in this very crowded crypto space by connecting them with our Top-Tier partners and KOLs. We already have tens of partnerships and they will help projects jump into hyperspace.
Finally, our fees are much lower than most VCs’ fees.
To learn more, please go to our website: https://advisory.cosmospace.tech

Cosmosapce Academy (Soon)

We will be giving access to a very elite blockchain academy and we aim to teach very important blockchain knowledge at a fraction of the cost of other blockchain courses on the market right now. Also, our courses will be a part of our reward system. Stay tuned for more information.
To learn more, please go to our website: https://academy.cosmospace.tech

Cosmosapce Security (Soon)

We will be providing KYC and Audit services to blockchain projects.
To learn more, please go to our website: https://security.cosmospace.tech

Again, welcome to Cosmospace Technologies.
We are very happy to see you here.